Redirecting Page Requests on S3

The purpose of this blog is really just a place for me to jot down things that I’ve done, especially when other people might benefit from the information. While I’m not really interested in driving traffic to the site, I do use Google Analytics to check out what interests people and how they end up at my blog.


A Static Blog with Jekyll and S3 - Part 1

In the wake of’s implosion, I’ve been working on and off on migrating my blog to a site hosted as static pages on Amazon’s S3. It’s fortunate that I had been thinking about doing this very recently, and already had draft (well, very draft) quality migrations of many of the pages to Jekyll’s Liquid markup. In all honestly, the supplied automatic Wordpress to Jekyll migration did not work well for me. I succeeded in getting some textual representation of my blog posts and pages out of the database, without resorting to my own hacking skills, but it’s all quite a bit of a mess and few pages, if any, would work “out of the box.”



Up until recently, I had a little Wordpress blog that I hosted using a sevice called Textdrive. Textdrive was a nice, simple Unix-based hosting solution that, prior to Joyent’s purchase of the company, provided great value for $15/mo. But sometime about a week ago, the lights went dark. At this point I should mention that this was no longer Joyent’s company. While Joyent seems to be focusing on major cloud services, the Textdrive of late was a reboot of the original shared-hosting provider, catering to the low-end.


Cerebellar Volume in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

I’m pleased to write that my last paper at Harvard Medical School is in press in the Journal of Pediatrics. In the course of working on Heidi Als’s studies of ex-preterm adolescents, it became clear that pure template-fusion segmentation algorithms could go horribly awry in the face of missing or atrophied structures, but that a hybrid template-fusion/intensity segmentation algorithm, such as my own, could do nicely. Simultaneously, we were working with Mustafa Sahin’s tuberous sclerosis patients and I noticed occasional cerebellar atrophy.


How to Sync iPad Apps Such as DevonThink To Go at Work- Bonjour over Bluetooth PAN instead of Ad-Hoc Wi-Fi

So for most of the two years that I’ve had an iPad, I’ve tried (and failed) to get DevonThink To Go to sync data in some reasonably useful manner with DevonThink Pro on my laptop. Set aside for the moment the litany of complaints that people about the synchronization in DevonThink To Go failing in a variety of circumstances and assume that it, at least, works as advertised. The problem is:
